Nestled within the heart of Tokugawa Town stands Josui, a celebrated ramen institution that has amassed numerous accolades and praise. Being recognized as a Michelin-rated entrant in the esteemed list of 100 Famous Ramen Restaurants, its fame is well-deserved.
Upon stepping into Josui, the allure of its salt ramen is undeniable. Far from ordinary, this dish boasts a soup crafted from pork bones, Nagoya Cochin, and seasoned with dried sardines, yielding a taste that's rich yet surprisingly light. Its tsukemen variant is equally great, with a sour-salty sauce that clings to every noodle, elevating the dish to new heights. Not to be overlooked, the char siu rice bowl is a solid choice, especially when paired with a hint of wasabi.
A journey through the menu reveals more than just the customary offerings. The chicken and burdock rice stand out. The essence of Josui's ramen is captured in its clear golden soup, a mesmerizing blend that marries the depth of red chicken and Mikawa pork bones with the aquatic notes of Souda-bushi, mackerel-bushi, and dried sardines. Akin to the aftertaste of oden, it is an orchestra of umami, complimented perfectly by noodles that are custom made using natural brine from Mongolia, characterized by their super thin, Hakata-tonkotsu ramen-like texture.
In its simplicity, Josui captures the very essence of ramen. With its prime ingredients - succulent pork belly chashu, menma, and a delicately boiled egg - it reverberates the adage that simplicity truly is the pinnacle of sophistication. This is not just a meal; it's an experience, and many find themselves lost in the depth of its flavor, longing for just one more sip of that captivating soup.