Before you have ramen, please buy tickets of the kind of ramen you want.
And then, stand at end of queue. Wait until a clerk call you.
Even the clerks call "regular size", the amount is two or two and half times big as Japanese ordinary ramen restaurant (about 300 grams).
What clerks say "big" is 400 grams!
On the bowl of ramen, some of sliced pork and boiled bean sprouts and cabbage. Some additional paying, you can enjoy many sliced pork.
Bean sprouts and cabbage, chopped garlic, back fat of pork, red pepper and black pepper are toppings you can enjoy without additional pay.
When cooker ask you "Do you want garlic?", answer the amount of these toppings.
"Yasai" is bean sprouts and cabbage.
"Ninniku" is garlic.
"Abura" is back fat.
"Tougarashi" is red pepper.
"Kurokoshou" is black pepper.
For each of them, you can request the amount.
"Nashi" or "nuki" means you don't want the topping.
"Sukoshi" means you want little less than the regular.
"Futsuu" means you want regular amount. When you want "futsuu", you can request by saying nothing about the topping.
"Mashi" means little more than the regular.
"Mashi-mashi" means outrageous amount.
To tell the truth, for big eating customers, there is request word means more than "mashi-mashi". But I can not recommend. If you eat up such a thing, you will carry your feeling of fullness to everywhere you want to go in Japan, and your stomach deny anything you expected to eat.
At the first time, I recommend you regular size(called "nami") and toppings are "futsuu" for each.
You can leave the soup, but solid contents are all had to be eaten. That is the rule of this shop.So, if you think you are not big-eater, I think reckless challenge is dangerous.
If you want noodle less than 300 grams, ask a clerk "men sukoshi". The clerk will give you a clothespin. pinching your ticket means less than regular.
Enjoy your travel in Japan.