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Tofu Dishes in Japan: A Comprehensive Guide for Foreign Travelers


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Exploring the culinary landscape of Japan can be a thrilling endeavor, but if you're unfamiliar with its myriad offerings, it can get quite overwhelming. Did you know tofu, made from coagulated soy milk, is one of the most versatile and widely consumed ingredients in Japanese cuisine? This comprehensive guide will lift the veil on everything tofu-related—from understanding its cultural significance to exploring an array of delectable dishes and where to find them.

Let's dive into this exciting gastronomic adventure!

Key Takeaways

  • Tofu is a versatile and widely consumed ingredient in Japanese cuisine, with various textures including firm tofu, silken tofu, soft tofu, and grilled tofu.

  • Tofu holds cultural significance in Japan and has been embraced by Buddhist monks and mainstream society alike throughout history.

  • Different types of packaging options for tofu include fresh tofu, packaged tofu, long shelf-life pasteurized tofu, and freeze-dried tofu. Each option offers its own benefits in terms of convenience and shelf life.

  • Deep - fried tofu varieties like aburaage, atsuage, and ganmodoki add a delightful crispy texture to dishes while complementing the creamy interior of the tofu.

Understanding Tofu: The Basics

Tofu is a versatile soy-based product that holds cultural significance in Japan and is used in various textures and dishes throughout Japanese cuisine.

japanese tofu

What is tofu?

Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a versatile staple in Japanese cuisine made from coagulated soy milk. It's prepared by curdling fresh soy milk, pressing it into solid white blocks and then cooling them - similar to traditional dairy cheese process.

Originating from China and introduced to Japan during the Nara period through Buddhist monks, tofu holds an esteemed placement in the culinary world of Japan due to its rich source of protein especially for vegetarians and vegans.

Over time, this humble ingredient has found its way into various dishes including nabe (hot pot), miso soups, stir-fry dishes like Gōyā Chanpurū and desserts with its different textures ranging from silken soft to firm varieties.

The Cultural Significance of Tofu in Japan

Tofu holds an esteemed position in the culinary and cultural landscape of Japan. Journeying from China during the Nara period, tofu was introduced to Japan by Buddhist monks who not only brought a change in cuisine but also influenced religious practices with their vegetarian diet.

Particularly embraced by these devout Buddhists, this humble soybean product quickly became the centerpiece of shōjin cuisine—a style of vegan cooking followed extensively within monastic communities for its adherence to principles of non-violence.

As time passed, tofu's popularity surged beyond temple walls, captivating the palates of aristocrats and samurai in the Muromachi period before finally trickling down into mainstream society during the Edo era.

Types of Tofu According to Texture

Tofu comes in various textures, including firm tofu (momen-dōfu), silken tofu (kinugoshi-dōfu), soft tofu (oboro-dōfu/yose-dōfu), and grilled tofu (yaki-dōfu).

Momen-dōfu (Firm Tofu)

Momen-dōfu, or firm tofu, holds a significant place in Japanese cuisine. Its dense, robust texture makes it ideal for various cooking methods, including grilling and deep frying. Infused within traditional stir-fries, soups and hotpots, this tofu variant caters to different tastes by adapting to an array of flavors from soy-based sauces and seasonings commonly used in local dishes.

Besides savory recipes, momen-dōfu also finds its way into desserts like tofu cheesecake and pudding – showcasing the ingredient's versatility. This firm tofu gets its roots from China but thrived upon introduction in Japan during the Nara period.

Today travelers exploring Japanese food culture can savor numerous dishes featuring momen-dōfu as a flavorful nod to the country's historical culinary evolution.

Kinugoshi-dōfu (Silken Tofu)

Silken tofu, also known as Kinugoshi-dōfu in Japan, is a versatile and popular type of tofu used in various Japanese dishes. It is characterized by its delicate and silky texture, which sets it apart from other types of tofu.

Made by coagulating soy milk and gently cutting the resulting curd into delicate blocks, silken tofu has a soft and custard-like consistency that makes it perfect for both savory and sweet recipes.

It absorbs flavors incredibly well, making it an excellent choice for absorbing the taste of sauces and seasonings. Silken tofu is commonly used in dishes such as miso soup, hotpots, stir-fries, and even desserts.

Oboro-dōfu/Yose-dōfu (Soft Tofu)

Soft tofu, known as Oboro-dōfu or Yose-dōfu in Japanese cuisine, is a delicate and silky variation of tofu. With its velvety texture, it practically melts in your mouth. Made by gently coagulating soy milk with a coagulation agent like nigari, this type of tofu has a higher water content compared to other forms.

As a result, it is incredibly versatile and absorbs flavors easily. Soft tofu is often used in dishes like soups and hot pots (such as yudofu) due to its ability to enhance the overall taste of the dish.

Additionally, it can be enjoyed on its own - dipped in soy sauce or mixed with various toppings for added flavor. Whether you're a fan of subtle textures or looking for an ingredient that complements different flavors effortlessly, soft tofu is definitely worth trying during your culinary adventures in Japan.

Yaki-dōfu (Grilled Tofu)

Grilled tofu, also known as Yaki-dōfu, is a popular and delicious dish in Japan. It is made by marinating firm tofu and then grilling it to perfection. The grilling process adds a smoky flavor to the already creamy and tender texture of the tofu.

This dish can be enjoyed on its own or used as an ingredient in various Japanese dishes such as stir-fries, ramen, or even sushi rolls. Yaki-dōfu is not only favored by vegetarians and vegans for its high protein content but is loved by meat-eaters too because of its versatility and rich taste.

Whether you're exploring street food markets or dining at traditional restaurants, don't miss out on trying this mouthwatering grilled tofu dish during your trip to Japan!

Shelf-life and Packaging of Tofu

Tofu comes in different packaging options, including fresh tofu, packaged tofu, long shelf-life pasteurized tofu, and freeze-dried tofu. Get to know the various types and their shelf lives to make the most of your tofu experience in Japan.

Read more to discover how these packaging options affect the taste and texture of tofu dishes.

Fresh Tofu

Fresh tofu is a staple ingredient in Japanese cuisine and plays a significant role in many traditional dishes. Made from soybeans, fresh tofu has a delicate and silky texture that adds a smooth and creamy element to meals.

It is commonly used in dishes like miso soup, hot pots, and stir-fries. Fresh tofu is also versatile, as it can be enjoyed both cold or cooked. With its high protein content and low calorie count, fresh tofu is not only delicious but also a healthy addition to any meal.

Whether you're exploring street food markets or dining at restaurants in Japan, don't miss the opportunity to savor the taste of fresh tofu in its purest form.

Packaged Tofu

Packaged tofu is a convenient and widely available option for those looking to enjoy tofu in Japan. This type of tofu is typically sold in supermarkets and comes in plastic packaging filled with water.

It is the most common form of tofu found on store shelves. However, it's important to note that packaged tofu may not have the same freshness as fresh tofu sold at specialized tofu shops.

That being said, packaged tofu offers a longer shelf-life, making it a practical choice for travelers or those who prefer to stock up on ingredients. Remember to check the expiration date when purchasing packaged tofu and consider refrigerating it after opening to maintain its freshness.

Jūten tōfu (Long Shelf-life Pasteurized Tofu)

Jūten tōfu, also known as Long Shelf-life Pasteurized Tofu, is a type of tofu that has an extended shelf life compared to regular tofu. This makes it a convenient option for travelers who want to enjoy tofu dishes during their stay in Japan without worrying about the freshness or spoiling of the tofu.

Jūten tōfu is specially pasteurized and packaged in a way that allows it to have a longer shelf life while maintaining its taste and texture. So whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Tokyo or immersing yourself in the rich history of Kyoto, be sure to try some Jūten tōfu for a taste of authentic Japanese cuisine that can withstand your travel adventures.

Kōya-dōfu (Freeze-dried Tofu)

Kōya-dōfu, also known as freeze-dried tofu, is a popular type of tofu in Japan. Its unique production process involves freezing and then dehydrating the tofu, resulting in a long shelf life that makes it convenient for travelers.

The packaging of Kōya-dōfu is designed to keep it fresh and preserve its flavor until it's ready to be used. To prepare Kōya-dōfu for consumption or cooking, simply soak it in hot water to rehydrate before use.

This versatile ingredient adds texture and flavor to various dishes while maintaining its nutritional value. Whether you're looking to try traditional Japanese cuisine or explore vegetarian options, Kōya-dōfu offers a tasty and practical choice for your culinary adventures in Japan.

Deep-fried Tofu Varieties

tofu varieties

Deep-fried tofu varieties, such as aburaage, atsuage, and ganmodoki, offer a delightful crispy texture that perfectly complements the creamy interior of the tofu.


Aburaage is a versatile and popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine. It is a type of deep-fried tofu that can be cut into pouches or strips. These crispy pockets are commonly used in dishes like miso soup and sushi.

Aburaage adds a delightful texture to these dishes, soaking up the flavors of the broth or sauce it's cooked with. Made from tofu that has been thinly sliced and fried until golden brown, aburaage is known for its savory taste and slightly sweet aroma.

Whether you're indulging in a comforting bowl of hot soup or enjoying fresh sushi rolls, aburaage brings an extra layer of deliciousness to your meal.


Atsuage is a popular variety of deep-fried tofu commonly found in Japanese cuisine. This delicious and versatile ingredient is often used as an essential component in various tofu dishes throughout Japan.

With its crispy exterior and soft, tender interior, atsuage adds both texture and flavor to a wide range of recipes. Whether enjoyed as a side dish or used as the main star of a meal, this deep-fried tofu is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

So next time you're exploring Japanese cuisine, make sure to try some atsuage for an authentic and flavorful experience.


Ganmodoki is a popular deep-fried tofu dish in Japan that can be found in various types of tofu dishes, such as hot pots, stir-fries, and sushi rolls. Made by mixing tofu with vegetables like carrots, burdock root, and lotus root, ganmodoki has a puffed and crispy texture on the outside while remaining soft and flavorful on the inside.

It is often served with dipping sauces and garnishes like green onions and bonito flakes. This versatile ingredient is commonly enjoyed as a side dish or used as an ingredient in soups and stews.

With its delicious combination of textures and flavors, ganmodoki is sure to satisfy any culinary adventurer looking to explore the world of Japanese cuisine.

Tofu Byproducts

tofu byproducts

Discover the fascinating tofu byproducts that add flavor and texture to Japanese cuisine. Intrigued? Keep reading to learn more!


Yuba is a popular tofu byproduct used in Japanese cuisine. It is made by boiling soy milk and collecting the thin film that forms on the surface. This delicate and silky-textured ingredient can be enjoyed in various dishes, such as sushi rice toppings or fillings for inarizushi.

Yuba is commonly used in shojin ryori, a vegan Buddhist temple cuisine that is particularly popular in Kyoto. It is also found in dishes like goma dofu (chilled sesame tofu) and dengaku tofu (firm tofu with sweet miso sauce).

Not only does yuba add flavor and texture to meals, but it's also a nutritious source of protein and low in fat, making it an excellent choice for vegetarians and vegans. So when you try Japanese cuisine, be sure to explore the unique flavors of yuba!


Okara is a versatile ingredient in Japanese cuisine that is often overlooked by foreign travelers. Derived from the leftover soybean pulp after extracting soy milk, okara plays a significant role in traditional dishes, especially in Kyoto.

It adds texture and nutritional value to meals, making it an excellent option for vegetarians and vegans. Okara can be used in both savory and sweet dishes, ranging from flavorful vegetable stir-fries to scrumptious desserts.

Whether you're looking to explore authentic Japanese flavors or seeking healthier alternatives to meat-based ingredients, don't miss out on the delicious possibilities that okara offers.

The Process of Making Tofu

To make tofu, soy milk is first extracted from soaked and ground soybeans. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Soaking: The soybeans are soaked in water for several hours to soften them and remove any impurities.

  2. Grinding: The soaked soybeans are then ground into a fine paste using a food processor or stone grinder. This paste is known as 'soy pulp' or 'okara.'

  3. Boiling: The ground soybean paste is mixed with water and brought to a boil. This helps to remove any unwanted flavors and helps in the coagulation process.

  4. Coagulation: A coagulation agent, such as nigari (a natural mineral extract) or calcium sulfate, is added to the heated soy milk. This causes the proteins in the soy milk to curdle and form solid clumps.

  5. Pressing: The curdled soy milk is transferred into molds lined with cheesecloth or muslin cloth. These molds are pressed to remove excess liquid and shape the tofu into blocks.

  6. Cooling: After pressing, the tofu blocks are submerged in cool water to help set their shape and improve their texture.

  7. Packaging: The tofu blocks are then packaged and refrigerated for storage or transported to markets for sale.

Popular Tofu Dishes in Japanese Cuisine

japanese tofu dishes

Japanese cuisine offers a variety of popular tofu dishes, including the crispy and savory Agedashi Tofu, the sweet and tangy Inarizushi stuffed with seasoned tofu pockets, and the grilled Yaki-dōfu that boasts a smoky flavor.

Agedashi Tofu

Agedashi tofu is a beloved dish in Japanese cuisine that features soft or silken tofu coated with potato starch or cornstarch and deep-fried to perfection. This tasty appetizer or side dish is often served with a flavorful tsuyu sauce for dipping.

To add even more flavor, agedashi tofu is commonly garnished with grated radish, green onion, and bonito flakes. With its crispy exterior and velvety interior, agedashi tofu offers a delightful contrast in textures that will surely satisfy your taste buds.

It's no wonder this dish has become one of the popular choices when it comes to enjoying the versatility of tofu in Japanese cooking.


Inarizushi is a popular and widely recognized tofu dish in Japanese cuisine. It is made by stuffing sushi rice into a fried tofu pocket, which gives it a unique and delicious flavor.

Inarizushi is often served as a side dish or included in bento boxes, making it convenient for travelers to enjoy on the go. This traditional Japanese dish is particularly associated with Kyoto, a city known for its tofu and soy-based products.

For vegetarian travelers in Japan, inarizushi serves as an excellent option due to its meat-free ingredients. You can easily find this tasty treat not only at specialized tofu restaurants but also in convenience stores and supermarkets throughout the country.

Dengaku Tofu

Dengaku tofu is a mouthwatering dish that can often be found in Japanese cuisine. This delectable treat consists of grilled or broiled tofu topped with a sweet and savory miso glaze, creating a delightful combination of flavors.

With its smoky taste and tender texture, dengaku tofu makes for the perfect appetizer or side dish at any Japanese restaurant. It's not only delicious but also a great source of protein for vegetarians and vegans looking to enjoy the flavors of Japan.

In fact, dengaku tofu is commonly featured in shojin ryori, the vegan Buddhist temple cuisine that Kyoto is famous for. So if you're ever in Japan, be sure to try this tantalizing dish and experience the unique blend of tastes it has to offer.

Tofu in Japanese Street Food

street food tofu

Tofu plays a key role in Japanese street food, with popular options like tofu skewers and deep-fried tofu pockets known as 'age-dōfu.'

Tofu at Nishiki Market in Kyoto

Nishiki Market in Kyoto is a bustling hub for food enthusiasts, offering an array of unique and delicious tofu dishes. This vibrant market showcases the rich diversity of Japanese cuisine, with tofu being a prominent highlight.

From traditional soy milk vendors to specialized tofu shops, Nishiki Market has something for everyone's taste buds. You can savor mouthwatering yuba (tofu skin) served fresh or grilled, or indulge in delectable yuba gyoza—gyoza stuffed with delicate layers of yuba.

Whether you're a vegan looking for plant-based options or simply curious about exploring new flavors, Nishiki Market provides an unforgettable tofu experience that embodies the essence of Kyoto's culinary heritage.

Tofu in Convenience Stores

Convenience stores in Japan are a convenient option for foreign travelers looking to try tofu dishes. These stores offer prepackaged tofu dishes that are ready to eat on the go. From simple cubes of fresh tofu packed with soy sauce to flavorful marinated varieties, there is something for everyone's taste buds.

Travelers can easily find these tofu delights alongside other popular Japanese snacks and meals at any convenience store. So whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Tokyo or taking a break in a quiet neighborhood, be sure to grab some delicious tofu from a convenience store and enjoy this versatile ingredient while on your Japanese adventure!

Vegetarian Tofu Dishes

Discover the delicious world of vegetarian tofu dishes in Japan, including favorites like Goma Dofu, Koyadofu, and Yudofu.

Goma Dofu

Goma Dofu is a chilled sesame tofu dish that is widely enjoyed in Japan. Made from ground sesame seeds, it has a smooth and creamy texture that melts in your mouth. Goma Dofu is often served cold with a light soy-based sauce or topped with grated ginger and green onions for added flavor.

This vegetarian dish is popular in Okinawa and can be found in dishes like Gōyā Chanpurū, which combines bitter melon with tofu for a healthy and refreshing meal option. With its rich sesame flavor and delicate texture, Goma Dofu offers a unique taste experience for those looking to explore the world of Japanese tofu cuisine.


Koyadofu is a type of tofu commonly associated with vegetarian tofu dishes in Japan. It is made by freeze-drying regular tofu, resulting in a spongy and sweet-textured product that can be rehydrated before cooking.

Due to its firm texture, koyadofu is often used as a substitute for meat in dishes such as goma dofu and dengaku tofu. Vegetarian travelers visiting Japan will find koyadofu to be a delicious and versatile ingredient that adds depth and flavor to their meals while exploring the rich flavors of Japanese cuisine.


Yudofu is a classic and traditional tofu dish in Japan that is often associated with vegetarian cuisine. It involves serving soft tofu in a hot, flavorful broth, resulting in a delicate and creamy texture that is both comforting and satisfying.

Simple seasonings like soy sauce, dashi, and mirin are commonly used to enhance the flavors of the tofu. Yudofu is particularly popular during colder months when its warming qualities are appreciated.

Toppings such as green onions, grated ginger, and ponzu sauce can be added to further elevate the taste. Whether enjoyed as part of a multi-course meal or on its own, yudofu offers foreign travelers an opportunity to savor the rich flavors of Japanese cuisine while also catering to their vegetarian or vegan preferences.

Tips for Foreign Travelers: Enjoying Tofu in Japan

Experience the rich flavors of tofu dishes in Japan and immerse yourself in the cultural significance of this versatile ingredient. From learning basic Japanese terms to trying tofu at a traditional ryokan, these tips will enhance your culinary adventure.

Don't miss out on the vegetarian and vegan options available to cater to different dietary preferences. Start exploring now!

Learning Basic Japanese Terms Related to Tofu

If you're traveling to Japan and want to fully immerse yourself in the culinary experience, it's helpful to familiarize yourself with some basic Japanese terms related to tofu. Here are a few key words and phrases to get you started:

  1. Tōfu (豆腐) - This is the Japanese word for tofu itself. Remember, tofu comes in various textures and forms, so keep an eye out for these different types as you explore Japanese cuisine.

  2. Momen-dōfu (もめんどうふ) - This refers to firm tofu, which retains its shape well and is often used in stir-fries and hot pots.

  3. Kinugoshi-dōfu (きぬごしどうふ) - Silken tofu, known for its delicate texture, is commonly used in soups and desserts.

  4. Yaki-dōfu (やきどうふ) - Grilled tofu adds a smoky flavor and slightly crispy exterior, perfect for enjoying on its own or in dishes like yakisoba or yudofu.

  5. Nigari (にがり) - This is the coagulation agent used to make tofu from soy milk. It's typically derived from seawater or natural minerals.

  6. Miso soup (みそしる) - A traditional Japanese soup that often includes small cubes of tofu along with fermented soybean paste called miso.

  7. Hiyayakko (冷奴) - A refreshing dish consisting of chilled silken tofu topped with garnishes like green onions, grated ginger, soy sauce, or bonito flakes.

Vegetarian and Vegan Options

For vegetarian and vegan travelers, finding suitable food options while traveling can sometimes be a challenge. However, Japan has made significant strides in recent years to improve the availability of vegetarian and vegan dishes, including those featuring tofu.

Many restaurants now offer dedicated vegetarian and vegan menus or clearly indicate which items are suitable for those dietary preferences. Additionally, larger cities like Tokyo and Kyoto have a growing number of specialized vegetarian and vegan restaurants that cater specifically to these needs.

It's also worth noting that traditional Buddhist temple cuisine, known as shojin ryori, is entirely plant-based and often includes delicious tofu-based dishes. So whether you're exploring local eateries or dining at your hotel or ryokan, there are plenty of options for enjoying tasty tofu dishes while adhering to your vegetarian or vegan lifestyle in Japan.

Trying Tofu at a Traditional Ryokan

At a traditional ryokan, you can truly immerse yourself in the Japanese culture and experience tofu like never before. Many ryokans offer vegetarian meals that showcase the versatility of tofu in Japanese cuisine.

From delicate tofu-based appetizers to hearty tofu hot pots, you'll discover an array of delectable dishes to satisfy your taste buds. Kyoto is particularly known for its shojin ryori, a vegan Buddhist temple cuisine that features intricate and beautifully presented tofu creations.

Whether you're a long-time fan of tofu or new to this nutritious ingredient, trying it at a traditional ryokan is a must-do when exploring Japan's culinary scene.


In conclusion, exploring the world of tofu dishes in Japan is a must for foreign travelers. With its rich cultural significance, various textures, and wide range of culinary applications, tofu offers a unique and delicious experience that cannot be missed.

From traditional dishes like agedashi tofu and inarizushi to modern twists like Gōyā Chanpurū, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So dive into this comprehensive guide and discover the wonders of tofu in Japanese cuisine during your travels.


Agedashi tofu is a popular appetizer in Japan, made with extra firm tofu that is deep fried to perfection. The dish gets its umami flavors from key ingredients such as Shitake mushrooms and Miso paste, contributing to its reputation as one of the classic Japanese recipes.

Teriyaki tofu is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed in many ways. The tofu pieces are often pan-fried for a crispy exterior, then coated in a sweet and savory Teriyaki sauce. This dish showcases the ability of tofu to absorb flavors, making it a staple in many Japanese and Asian dishes.

Tofu steak is a Japanese version of the popular dish, typically featuring extra firm tofu that's pan-fried and served with a flavorful sauce. It often includes ingredients like Shitake mushrooms and spring onions, giving it a unique umami flavor.

In Miso Soup, tofu provides a contrast to the rich, savory flavor of the miso paste. It's usually cut into small pieces and added to the soup towards the end of cooking to maintain its firm texture. The tofu inside Miso Soup absorbs the flavors of the soup, resulting in a hearty, comforting dish.

Hiyayakko is a chilled tofu dish, served cold and typically garnished with toppings like spring onions, grated ginger, and Katsuobushi (bonito flakes). This dish is a testament to the versatility of tofu in both hot pot and cold dishes, making it a beloved part of Japanese cuisine.

The Japanese version of Mapo Tofu, or Mabo Dofu, is a less spicy adaptation of the classic Chinese dish. Japanese Mapo Tofu is a sweet and savory dish, usually made with soy-based ingredients such as miso and soy sauce, along with tofu and ground beef or pork.

Tofu Pizza is a creative, modern dish that shows the versatility of tofu in Japanese cooking. The tofu is used as a topping or even as a base in place of traditional pizza dough. It's typically topped with various ingredients, from traditional pizza toppings to uniquely Japanese ingredients, making it an innovative, health-conscious alternative to classic pizza.

Deep-fried tofu, or Agedashi tofu, is a staple in Japanese cuisine. The tofu is dusted with starch and then deep-fried until it develops a crispy outer layer. It's typically served with a dashi-based sauce, made from ingredients like kombu and bonito flakes, and garnished with spring onions for an added layer of flavor.

Japanese fried tofu recipes are diverse, but most involve cutting the tofu into pieces and frying it until it develops a crispy exterior. These dishes range from simple pan-fried tofu served with a dipping sauce, to more complex dishes where the tofu is incorporated into a stir-fry or served with a rich, flavorful sauce.

Agedashi Tofu is made by cutting tofu into pieces, dusting them with cornstarch, and then deep frying them. The result is a dish with a crispy exterior and a soft, melt-in-your-mouth interior. It's served in a soy-based sauce and garnished with green onions, making it a classic Japanese dish enjoyed by many.

Tofu dishes in Japan are known for their variety and unique preparation methods.

Some popular deep-fried tofu dishes in Japan include agedashi tofu, where tofu is deep-fried and served in a hot broth, and kitsune tofu, where deep-fried tofu is topped with sweet soy sauce.

Deep-fried tofu is made by cutting tofu into desired shapes, coating it with a starch or flour mixture, and then frying it until golden brown.

Chilled tofu, also known as hiyayakko, is a simple dish where tofu is served cold and topped with various toppings such as soy sauce, ginger, and green onions.

To make agedashi tofu, you need to deep-fry tofu, prepare a flavorful broth using ingredients like dashi, mirin, and soy sauce, and then gently simmer the tofu in the broth until it absorbs the flavors.

To make agedashi tofu at home, you can follow a simple recipe by first draining excess water from the tofu, cutting it into cubes, coating it with potato starch, and deep-frying it until crispy. Then, you can make the broth using dashi, soy sauce, and mirin, and simmer the tofu in it for a few minutes before serving.

Yes, if you prefer not to deep-fry the tofu, you can also pan-fry it or bake it in the oven for a healthier alternative.

Tofu is a common ingredient in hot pot dishes in Japan. Some popular ones include sukiyaki, where beef and tofu are cooked in a soy-based broth, and shabu-shabu, where thin slices of beef and various vegetables are cooked in a hot pot with tofu.

Removing excess water from the tofu helps to improve its texture and allows it to absorb flavors better when cooked.

Yes, a simple recipe for Japanese-style tofu involves marinating tofu in a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, and ginger, and then grilling or pan-frying it until golden brown.

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