68 Most Popular Japanese Sweets and Desserts to Try in 2024
Table of Contents
In 2024, the allure of Japanese confectionery continues to enchant sweet lovers worldwide, with its delightful array of treats that blend tradition with innovation. These desserts, deeply rooted in Japan's rich cultural tapestry, offer a harmonious balance of flavors and textures, making them a must-try for anyone seeking a unique gustatory experience. From the velvety matcha-infused delights to the delicate mochi creations, Japanese sweets and desserts are a testament to the country's dedication to the art of dessert-making.
This comprehensive guide unveils the 68 most coveted Japanese sweets and desserts set to tantalize your taste buds this year. Whether you're a seasoned dessert aficionado or just beginning your journey into the world of Japanese confectionery, prepare to embark on a sweet exploration that showcases the intricate craftsmanship and diverse palate of Japan's dessert scene.
Japanese Sweets and Desserts
Anmitsu (あんみつ)
- Dessert with agar jelly, fruit, and sweet beans
Amanattō (甘納豆)
- Glazed sweet beans
Azuki Ice Cream (小豆アイスクリーム)
- Ice cream flavored with azuki bean paste
Azuki Shiratama Dango (小豆白玉団子)
- Rice flour dumplings filled with sweet azuki paste
Bakudan Mochi (爆弾餅)
- Mochi balls with sweet bean filling
Black Sesame Pudding (黒胡麻プリン)
- Black sesame seed flavored pudding
Brown Sugar Mochi (黒糖餅)
- Mochi with brown sugar syrup
Budo Mochi (ブドウ餅)
- Mochi with grape filling
Buko Pandan (ブコパンダン)
- Coconut jelly with pandan leaf
Castella (カステラ)
- Japanese sponge cake
Cherry Blossom Daifuku (桜大福)
- Mochi with cherry blossom and bean paste filling
Chestnut Mont Blanc (栗のモンブラン)
- Chestnut puree cake
Cream Anmitsu (クリームあんみつ)
- Anmitsu with whipped cream topping
Dango (団子)
- Sweet rice dumplings on a skewer
Dorayaki (どら焼き)
- Pancake sandwich with red bean paste filling
Goma Pudding (胡麻プリン)
- Sesame seed flavored pudding
- Sponge cake flavored with matcha powder
Green Tea Ice Cream (抹茶アイスクリーム)
- Ice cream flavored with matcha powder
Hakuto Jelly (白桃ゼリー)
- Peach flavored jelly
Hanabiramochi (花びら餅)
- Thin folded mochi with sweet filling
Higashi (干菓子)
- Small dried sugar candies
Hōjicha Pudding (ほうじ茶プリン)
- Roasted green tea pudding
Ichigo Daifuku (苺大福)
- Mochi filled with strawberry and sweet paste
Imagawayaki (今川焼き)
- Round pancake filled with sweet azuki paste
Kakigōri (かき氷)
- Shaved ice dessert with flavored syrup
Kashiwa Mochi (柏餅)
- Cake stuffed with sweet azuki paste
Kintsuba (金つば)
- Sweet azuki bean paste dessert
Kiritampo (きりたんぽ)
- Pounded rice cakes on a skewer
Kuzumochi (葛餅)
- Kudzu starch jelly cakes
Matcha Chocolate (抹茶チョコレート)
- Green tea infused chocolate
Matcha Cookies (抹茶クッキー)
- Green tea flavored cookies
- Green tea ice cream
Mitarashi Dango (みたらし団子)
- Rice dumplings with sweet soy glaze
Mizuame (水飴)
- Sweet syrup made from glutinous rice
Mizu Yōkan (水羊羹)
- Soft azuki bean jelly
Mochi (餅)
- Soft pounded rice cakes
Mochi Ice Cream (餅アイスクリーム)
- Ice cream encased in a mochi covering
Monaka (最中)
- Crispy rice wafer with sweet azuki filling
Obanyaki (おばなゆき)
- Banana cakes baked in molds
Oshiruko (おしるこ)
- Azuki bean soup with mochi
Pumpkin Pudding (かぼちゃプリン)
- Pumpkin flavored custard pudding
Pudding (プリン)
- Custard dessert
Purin (フルーツプリン)
- Fruit flavored custard pudding
Rainbow Mochi (虹もち)
- Layered colored rice cake
Red Bean Paste (餡子/小豆餡)
- Sweet paste made from azuki beans
Sakuramochi (桜餅)
- Pink rice cake with cherry blossom leaf wrapping
Satsumaimo Pudding (さつまいもプリン)
- Sweet potato pudding
Shiratama Dango (白玉団子)
- Glutinous rice flour dumplings
Shirokuma Ice Cream (白熊アイス)
- Vanilla ice cream with condensed milk
Strawberry Daifuku (イチゴ大福)
- Mochi stuffed with strawberries
- Cake made with Japanese sweet potato
Taiyaki (たい焼き)
- Fish shaped cakes filled with azuki bean paste
Takoyaki (たこ焼き)
- Ball-shaped batter with octopus
Uirō (ういろう)
- Steamed rice flour and sugar cakes
Umegaemochi (梅がえもち)
- Mochi sandwiched with sweetened bean paste
Umeshu (梅酒)
- Plum wine
Wagashi (和菓子)
- Traditional Japanese confectionery
Warabimochi (蕨餅)
- Jelly-like rice cake dessert
Wasanbon (和三盆)
- Fine-grained Japanese sugar
Water Cake (水切りケーキ)
- Light sponge cake
Yaki Mochi (焼き餅)
- Grilled mochi rice cakes
Yōkan (羊羹)
- Sweet red bean jelly
Yubeshi (湯伴子)
- Gelatin cubes in sweet soup
Yuzu Jelly (柚子ゼリー)
- Yuzu citrus flavored jelly
Zenzai (甜菜)
- Sweet azuki bean soup
Zenzai Oshiruko (甜菜お汁粉)
- Zenzai with mochi balls
Zenzai Warabimochi (甜菜蕨餅)
- Zenzai soup with warabimochi
Zundamochi (ずんだ餅)
- Ball-shaped mochi with sweet bean filling
Getting the Most out of Japanese Sweets and Desserts
Firstly, recognize the significance of traditional Japanese ingredients. Many Japanese sweets, like mochi and dorayaki, are often filled with sweet red bean paste, a staple in Japanese confectionery. Familiarizing yourself with these core ingredients will enhance your appreciation of each bite.
Matcha, or green tea, is not just for drinking. This vibrant powder is a key component in many Japanese desserts, from matcha-infused pancakes to the velvety layers of Japanese cheesecake. When trying a matcha dessert, take a moment to savor its subtle bitterness balanced with sweetness.
Dorayaki, one of the most popular Japanese sweets, is best enjoyed fresh. Look for a soft pancake exterior complemented by the smooth texture of sweet red bean paste inside. It's a classic Japanese treat that's a testament to the harmony of simple ingredients.
While many Japanese desserts are sweet, don't be surprised to find savory notes. Soy sauce, for instance, can be drizzled on certain desserts, offering a delightful contrast that's deeply rooted in Japanese cuisine.
Lastly, when indulging in traditional Japanese sweets, remember to enjoy them with a cup of green tea. The slight bitterness of the tea pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the dessert, creating a balanced palate experience.
Savoring Japanese sweets and desserts in this manner not only offers a delightful taste journey but also provides a window into the heart of Japanese dessert craftsmanship and tradition.
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