This is a cook your own pancake place. No free eating. This is a part of the fun here. Surprisingly tasty! It's very simple - flour, starch, dashi soup, and cabbage, tenkasu, with small bits of squid, ginger, etc. They have lots of options, but the basic one is the best to enjoy the simple taste of this savory pancake. The soup stock is already salty, and they can reduce the salt in the dashi stock, because there are tons of condiments on the table, and it would be just as well to add flavors when you eat it. Don't over add seasoning until you are sure how salty it tastes. But do put tons of Aonori (dried seaweed flakes).
I also enjoyed the Yakisoba, a pan fried noodle. This, too, was quite salty, so my suggestion is to cook just with the dashi stock, and wait until you taste how salty it is. Against the advice of the waiter, I suggest that you start to cook the noodle first, and 1 minute after that add the top ingredient on the side until it is cooke then mix. Ground pepper or shichimi pepper maybe just enough. If needed, add sauce tsp at a time. The smoke from each griddle made my hair and jacket so smokey, but it was all worth it! Cold beer is a perfect addition. Lunch time today (Fri) started so so busy but by 1 pm, busy stores had bunch of people lined up. If you want to avoid a jam, make s reservation, or, go there by 11:00 or 11:30. There are over dozen like restaurants - I can't tell which is better, but Kura was very good. Don't wear anything fancy.