110 Most Popular Japanese Meat Dishes to Try in 2024
Table of Contents
Japanese food has many tasty meat dishes that show the country's rich food history. From soft wagyu beef to crunchy karaage chicken, Japan knows how to make delicious meat meals. We are looking at Japan's long history of cooking meat. In this guide, we list 110 must-try meat dishes from Japan. We give short descriptions of beef, chicken, pork, and other meat dishes that taste great. Let's explore the tasty world of Japanese meat dishes!
Japanese Meat Dishes
Agedashi Gyūtan (揚げ出し牛タン)
- Fried beef tongue
Agedashi Tofu (揚げ出し豆腐)
- Tofu cubes fried and served with tempura sauce
Ajitsuke Tamago (味付け卵)
- Flavored egg side dish
Ankimo Yaki (安肝焼き)
- Monkfish liver with ponzu
Azuki Mesh (小豆めし)
- Rice with azuki bean paste
Bacon Potato Salad (ベーコンポテトサラダ)
- Potato salad with bacon bits
Basashi (馬刺し)
- Raw horse meat
Beef Curry (牛肉のカレー)
- Japanese curry with beef
Beef Negimayaki (ねぎま焼き)
- Thinly sliced beef and scallions
Beef Sukiyaki (牛すき焼き)
- Thinly sliced beef cooked in sweet soy broth
Beef Tataki (牛タタキ)
- Seared thin slices of beef
Buta Kakuni (豚角煮)
- Braised pork belly
Buta no Kakuni (豚の角煮)
- Braised pork belly
Buta no Shogayaki (豚の生姜焼き)
- Thinly sliced pork with ginger
Butabara (豚バラ)
- Pork belly slices
Chicken Karaage (チキンからあげ)
- Japanese-style fried chicken
Chicken Nanban (チキン南蛮)
- Fried chicken with tartar sauce
Chicken Namban (チキンナンバン)
- Fried marinated chicken
Chicken Teriyaki (チキンのテリヤキ)
- Chicken glazed with teriyaki sauce
Chicken Tsukune (チキンツクネ)
- Chicken meatballs
Chūtoro Sushi (中とろ寿司)
- Medium fatty tuna sushi
Curry Pan (カレーパン)
- Curry stuffed bread
Curry Udon (カレーうどん)
- Thick udon noodles in curry broth
Duck Soba (鴨そば)
- Soba noodles with roasted duck
Fried Oyster (カキフライ)
- Breaded and fried oysters
Ginger Pork (ショウガポーク)
- Thinly sliced pork sautéed with ginger
Goma Dare Yaki Niku (胡麻ダレ焼肉)
- Seared beef with sesame sauce
Green Onion Meat Jun (ねぎま肉じゅん)
- Pork and scallions wrapped in crepe
Gyu Tan (牛タン)
- Beef tongue grilled with sweet sauce
Gyūdon (牛丼)
- Rice bowl topped with thinly sliced beef
Gyūniku no Teriyaki (牛肉のテリヤキ)
- Beef teriyaki
Gyūtataki (牛タタキ)
- Seared thin slices of beef
Hamburg Steak (ハンバーグステーキ)
- Japanese-style hamburger patty
Hamu no Teriyaki (ハムのテリヤキ)
- Pork teriyaki
Hayashi Rice (ハヤシライス)
- Japanese beef stew with rice
Hire Katsu (ひれカツ)
- Breaded deep fried pork cutlet
Hireniku no Miso Itame (ひれ肉の味噌炒め)
- Stir fried pork with miso
Horumon (ホルモン)
- Offal dishes
Ika Meshi (イカ飯)
- Squid cooked with rice
Iwana no Shioyaki (イワナの塩焼き)
- Salted grilled char
Izakaya Karaage (居酒屋からあげ)
- Japanese pub style fried chicken
Kakuni (角煮)
- Braised pork belly
Kani Cream Korokke (カニクリームコロッケ)
- Crab cream croquettes
Karaage (唐揚げ)
- Japanese fried chicken
Kashiwa Mochi (柏餅)
- Rice cake filled with fried chicken
Katsudon (カツ丼)
- Rice bowl topped with pork cutlet
Korokke (コロッケ)
- Breaded mashed potato patties
Kushiage (串揚げ)
- Fried meat and vegetable skewers
Kushikatsu (串カツ)
- Deep fried skewers of meat and vegetables
Mapo Tofu (麻婆豆腐)
- Spicy tofu dish
Menchi Katsu (メンチカツ)
- Breaded deep fried ground meat cutlet
Minchi Katsu (ミンチカツ)
- Deep fried beef patties
Miso Nikomi Udon (味噌煮込みうどん)
- Thick udon noodles cooked in miso broth
Miso Ramen (味噌ラーメン)
- Ramen in a miso flavored broth
Miso Yaki Onigiri (味噌焼きおにぎり)
- Grilled rice balls with miso paste filling
Mizutaki (水炊き)
- Chicken and vegetable hot pot
Motsunabe (モツ鍋)
- Offal hot pot
Motsuni (もつ煮)
- Simmered pork and vegetable innards
Mutenka (無添か)
- Deep fried chicken cartilage
Nankotsu (軟骨)
- Soft cartilage skewers
Niku Dango (肉団子)
- Ground meat dumplings
Nikujaga (肉じゃが)
- Beef and potato stew
Nikumi Ankake Udon (肉みそあんかけうどん)
- Udon noodles in meat and miso sauce
Nikuya no Soba (肉屋のそば)
- Chilled soba noodles with meat dipping sauce
Oden (おでん)
- Japanese hot pot dish
Oki Negi Karaage (大葱唐揚げ)
- Japanese leek fried chicken
Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き)
- Savory cabbage pancake with meat
Omu Soba (オムそば)
- Fried egg soba noodle dish
Omu Somen (オムそうめん)
- Fried egg somen noodle dish
Omurice (オムライス)
- Fried rice wrapped in a thin fried egg omelette
Oyako Donburi (親子丼)
- Chicken and egg rice bowl
Oyakodon (親子丼)
- Chicken and egg rice bowl
Rāmen (ラーメン)
- Chinese style wheat noodles in broth
Reba (レバ)
- Beef or chicken liver
Sakana no Nitsuke (魚の煮付け)
- Fish simmered in soy sauce
Satsumaage (さつま揚げ)
- Fried fishcake
Shabu Shabu (しゃぶしゃぶ)
- Thinly sliced meat and vegetables boiled in broth
Shabu Shabu Pork (しゃぶしゃぶポーク)
- Thin slices of pork for shabu shabu
Shogayaki (生姜焼き)
- Ginger pork
Shōgayaki (生姜焼き)
- Pork belly with ginger sauce
Sukiyaki (すき焼き)
- Thinly sliced beef cooked in sweet soy broth
Sumibiyaki (炭火焼き)
- Charcoal grilled meat
Sushi (寿司)
- Vinegared rice with seafood and vegetable toppings
Taco Rice (タコライス)
- Japanese rice dish inspired by taco
Takoyaki (たこ焼き)
- Ball-shaped snacks with octopus
Tanindon (タニ丼)
- Rice bowl topped with sea cucumber
Tebasaki (手羽先)
- Deep fried chicken wings
Tonjiru (豚汁)
- Miso soup with pork and vegetables
Tonkatsu (豚カツ)
- Deep fried breaded pork cutlet
Tonkotsu Ramen (とんこつラーメン)
- Ramen with rich pork broth
Toriniku no Miso Itame (鶏肉の味噌炒め)
- Chicken stir-fried with miso
Toriniku no Teriyaki (鶏肉のテリヤキ)
- Chicken teriyaki
Tsukune (つくね)
- Chicken meatballs
Umeboshi (梅干し)
- Pickled and salted plum
Unagi Donburi (鰻丼)
- Grilled eel rice bowl
Uno Hana (鰻花)
- Grilled eel with burdock root
Usuyaki Tamago (薄焼き卵)
- Thin fried egg
Wafū Sātē (和風サーティー)
- Japanese-style Salisbury steak
Wagyu Steak (和牛ステーキ)
- Japanese wagyu beef steak
Wagyu Sukiyaki (和牛すき焼き)
- Wagyu beef cooked in sweet soy broth
Yakiniku (焼肉)
- Grilled meat
Yakitori (焼き鳥)
- Grilled chicken skewers
Yakitori Donburi (焼き鳥丼)
- Grilled chicken rice bowl
Yakiniku Don (焼肉丼)
- Grilled meat rice bowl
Yakiniku Donburi (焼肉丼)
- Grilled meat rice bowl
Yakinasu (焼きナス)
- Japanese style roasted eggplant
Yakitori (焼き鳥)
- Skewered grilled chicken
Yosenabe (寄せ鍋)
- Meat and vegetable hot pot cooked at the table
Yukhoe (육회)
- Seasoned raw ground beef
Essential Tips for Enjoying Japanese Meat Dishes
When savoring Japanese meat dishes, keep these tips in mind:
Use high-quality ingredients like wagyu beef or free-range chicken to get authentic flavors.
Cook meats like pork belly or chicken thighs low and slow to achieve tender, fall-off-the-bone texture.
Balance rich meats like katsu pork with tart or tangy accents like tonkatsu sauce.
Let meat shine by avoiding heavy marinades and keeping seasoning simple.
Cook in small batches on high heat for wok dishes to get smoky, charred edges.
Pair meats with complementary sides like pickles, rice and miso soup.
Use chopsticks to gracefully pick up bite-sized cooked morsels.
Say 'itadakimasu' before eating to show gratitude.
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